About me Revamp.

Its that time again...  here is the one i'm replacing.

We'll start with my name.  My name is BeeMo.  I am married to a guy named Patrick and he is really awesome. We are mid 20's with three dogs, they are crazy, especially together.
We live in a small town and we drive jeeps.  I play the violin.  I love traveling the world.  I am slightly random and very social. 
I have grown up in the water and lifeguarded since i was old enough to work.
I also Bartend.... i mix drinks and end up friends with everyone that walks in my bar.

This is just the basics and i know i am missing a shit ton of stuff.  If your interested in finding out more, check out my blog : )

check out my first post to this blog (introduction to my life):  Here   
about me page numero dos (time to update): here
about me page numero tres. (moving forward): here
and my most recent update (The past is the past.)here



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