beer tasting of the day.
blind tiger, tavern style pale ale
made by barley island brewery in noblesville Indiana
review by: gmfessen
"3.53/5 rDev +5.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Poured from the bottle into a pint glass, beer is a slightly hazy, golden-orange color with a one-finger, soapy looking head. The smell is of citrus and pine resin hops, not overwhelming and a slight malty background. The taste starts and ends with the same hops from the nose with some malty notes tossed in along the way. There is a residual bitterness about the beer. The mouthfeel is light in body and adequately carbonated. Overall, not a bad offering, nothing too spectacular either though."
*Personal opinion: Defently stronger on the hop than than malt, a little heavier than my preference and maybe not in my top favorite list, but still enjoyable in my book.
made by barley island brewery in noblesville Indiana
review by: gmfessen
"3.53/5 rDev +5.1%
look: 4 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
Poured from the bottle into a pint glass, beer is a slightly hazy, golden-orange color with a one-finger, soapy looking head. The smell is of citrus and pine resin hops, not overwhelming and a slight malty background. The taste starts and ends with the same hops from the nose with some malty notes tossed in along the way. There is a residual bitterness about the beer. The mouthfeel is light in body and adequately carbonated. Overall, not a bad offering, nothing too spectacular either though."
*Personal opinion: Defently stronger on the hop than than malt, a little heavier than my preference and maybe not in my top favorite list, but still enjoyable in my book.
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