hurt isn't the worst thing to happen

cont on me
with me you’ll feel protected.
And you’ll never be rejected.

“I promise I wount break your heart.”
That is what he said several weeks ago; but just like you can’t always help who you love, sometimes you can’t help who you hurt.
The time will come that he hurts me, unintentionally he will scorch my feelings; but I’ve come to believe him when he says he will never break my heart. He cares for me too much to throw my feelings aside.

Even though I believe him, I am still terrified. I know that I will survive any hurt he ever causes, but that doesn’t mean that it will never burn or scar.

If I love him I will learn to deal with his pride and accept the fact that he thinks he’s always right … but I don’t know yet that I can deal with those flaws..
This is just another lesson that i will have to learn.


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