Liquor Promos

I've gotten back into the Promo scene:)  I forgot how much i enjoyed them...  lately we've been sampling Redds, Smith and Forge, and Leinenkugal Cran Ginger Shandy.

I enjoy promos as much as enjoy rating products... and i'm ready to give you my opinion of these. 

To start, we have the linenkugal...  It is a sweeter "beer" but still has some beer flavor.  I wouldn't suggest it to those who love darker beers are have their own go to beer... but for those who love to explore, this would be perfect.  

Next, is the Smith&Forge.  It is a cider, but not as sweet as most ciders.  It taste almost identical to apple juice with only a slight hint of beer. 

Last, Is the Redds Wicked apple ale.  This is an ale, not a cider.... at least so they say.  It is sweeter than either of the other two.  It has a bit of a sweet, sugary, bite.  With an alcohol percent of 8, i would suggest not chugging them as you would beer unless you want to end up on the floor.
Too sweet for me, but not for most cider drinking ladies...

Either of the ciders are great with a shot liquor mixed in... Fireball is the popular mix, but i prefer Carmel vodka.   Either take away some of the sugary bite.  

Of course, this is only my take...  you should try it for yourself.



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