A meimor of my first post.

I looked back at some of my first post and realize just how much i've changed...
When i scan through other blogs i never find anything interesting, most of them are one post that the writer forgot about and let the weeds grow... When i look back through my own i know there are a few branches of time i seemed to hate writing, but i'm glad that i always came back because it is the first post that reminds me where i've come from...

Snowy has been gone, i got another chinnchilla that didn't last very long.
TP got a boyfriend and forgot about me - we don't talk anymore.
Cerrin and i still talk, but only once every couple months or so.
Hooper is still my face book wife and one of my bestfriends... though now she is married and moved to FL.

As for me: i'm still coaching a swim team, now the swim school director. I am no longer teaching, instead i've taken up bartending... i put in hours at the old rome in murphy and the cellar in cdale... I am still taking up random new hobbies and still more eclectic than any vintage shop. I'm engaged now... and not to Mr. Bear, i don't talk to him anymore. I've moved three times since my first blog and now live in a house on the most happening corner of Carbondale but am planning on moving once more once i'm married, this time to Murphysboro. I don't powerlifter or play rugby anymore and i haven't seriously skateboarded since Darren and TP.

I never would have imagined so much could ever change... My life isn't even close to the same life i was living then. But i suppose i'm still here and while no one really knows the truth, they all still think i'm happy.

Most important of all... the one thing that hasn't changed is that i still love God and i still want to change the world


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