
I know it sounds cliche, but i don't know where i would be if it weren't for my support group.  They have kept me in a straight line and they have kept me up.  The things they do, even as small as just being there, have been such a huge deal to me.  I have only been up here 8 months, and this is such a big event.  I did not expect the support that i've found.  because of them, i know i can make it through.  I know that i can survive.   I can't say that i necessarily want to survive, but because of these people behind me, i know that i will.  I know that i will be stronger and that i because of them, i will have potential and i will learn to have worth again.

The relationships i have built in the midst of this break down have grown with leaps and bounds.  The appreciation i have is uncontainable.   Maybe its God's way of telling me not to forget that he loves me.


  1. Some of these are pretty cool. If would respect the list more if it weren’t so mac centric however. Nice list either way… more info visit: Corporate Housing Barcelona...

  2. You want to will survive.....and you will always come across those little reminders that God loves you!


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